Karaite Judaism יהדות קראית meaning “Readers of the Hebrew Scriptures“ is a Jewish movement characterized by the recognition of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) alone as its supreme legal authority in Halakhah (Jewish religious law) and theology.
Karaites maintain that all of the divine commandments handed down to Moses by G-d were recorded in the written Torah, without additional Oral Law or explanation.
The karaite ketubah text is different from the traditional Orthodox ketubah. A translation of the Karaite ketubah is available at the ketubah texts :[button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] Karaite Text[/button]
This outstanding beautiful art nouveau ketubah was made with 24 karat gold and with variegated gold leaves on leather parchment.
Dimensions: 23” x 29”
Price: $4,500